Oh Well, Oh Well

“I still hope for the best. Say good-bye and send me off with a kiss farewell, and I promise I’ll be just as strong as I can be. May be you can get some sleep, tonight.”

The above are lyrics to a song by one of my favorite bands, Mayday Parade and sadly, are applicable to every falling in and out of love experience I’ve had the displeasure of having.

We’re teenagers and parents will oftentimes say we don’t know anything, but our pain receptors are very real and make us know that we are alive. “The thing about pain is that it demands to be felt”, and in one of my favorite John Greene books, The Fault In Our Stars , Hazel tells Augustus that he gave her a little infinity. “You gave me a forever within the numbered days and I am grateful.” It might sound cliché if you know that they are terminally ill kids whose next breath could be their last, but the point being made is all the same. Humans are not like Greek gods.

Being mortal, us “kids” only have one life and I don’t particularly feel like wasting it by giving away pointless kisses and glances to in return have my heart thrown away.

Unfortunately books and movies have made us want a modern romance which is heavily declining thanks to infidelity and divorce rates, but for me what will help is not wearing my heart on my sleeve and making sure that whoever I decide to trust is worth it.


picture of Derek Sanders and I. He's the lead singer of Mayday Parade